Monday, March 26, 2012

Truth or Fiction?

MYTH: Sea salt is natural so it’s better for you than table salt

THE TRUTH: Sea salt, just like kosher and gourmet salt, has about the same amount of sodium as table salt. It is not a healthier choice. Too much sodium can be harmful to your health. The differences between sea salt and table salt are taste, texture and how they are made. Table salt is mined from dried-up ancient salt lakes. Some table salts include iodine, a nutrient that helps prevent thyroid disease. Sea salt is made by evaporating seawater and tastes different depending on where it’s from.

So while you might prefer to use sea salt over table salt to add flavor and texture to dishes, (I know that I do) keep in mind that sea salt is NOT a healthy alternative to table salt! Despite the fact that sea salt has been marketed as a more natural and a healthy alternative to table salt, your body will process it the same way as table salt. Taste, texture and processing make up their differences. Most people get far too much — mostly from processed foods. All the more reason to cut back on your processed food intake, and keep the salt shaker at bay. Whichever salt you choose, use less. For a flavour boost, sprinkle food with orange or lemon juice, garlic, herbs or spices.

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