Thursday, May 29, 2014

Smart Sports Nutrition: What, when and how to eat for maximum results

Get the most out of your training sessions by fueling your body with the right food at the right time. Below you’ll find our answers to some of the most frequently asked sports nutrition questions.

Q: What should I eat BEFORE an event or training session?

A: What and how much you eat before your workout will depend on how much time you have. There are some hard and fast rules to keep in mind.

Low-fiber, carbohydrate-rich foods with a small amount of low fat protein will top off your muscle stores and reduce post-exercise soreness. Avoid fiber-rich or fatty foods; they can slow absorption and leave you feeling sluggish. Choose familiar foods that are well tolerated and easily digested to avoid an upset stomach. Last, but not least, don’t forget to hydrate! Your body is made up of 70 per cent water. Being dehydrated by even two per cent can decrease performance by about 10 per cent.  

before workout
Fluid intake
(Water is usually your best choice)

Examples for 77 kg athlete (170 lbs)

~30 minutes

~25g of carbohydrates

(100-150 calories)

Aim to drink 1-2 cups of water

  • 1 medium banana OR
  • ¾ cup flavored yogurt OR
  • 1 sports gel OR
  • 2 Fig Newtons

1 hour

1g carbohydrates/kg

(200-350 calories)

Aim to drink 1- 1 ½ cups of water

·         -¾ cup yogurt, ½ cup low fat granola, 1 apple OR
·         2 cups smoothie made with fruit and yogurt OR
·         ½ bagel, 1 tsp jam, 1 cup 1% milk, 1 banana

2-3 hours

1.5-2g carbohydrates/kg 

(400-600 calories)

Aim to drink
1 ½ - 2 cups of water
  • 1 cup berries, 1 cup yogurt + 1 cup low fat granola OR
  • 1 ½  cups cooked oatmeal with ¼ cup almonds, raisins, ½ banana, 1 cup milk,  OR
  • Tuna melt sandwich, 1 cup fruit,1 cup pasta salad

Q: Does Carb-loading work?

A: Carbohydrate loading is referred to as the practice of consuming larger than usual amounts of carbohydrates, several days before a high-intensity, endurance athletic event. The purpose of this is to improve athletic performance by increasing the amount of fuel stored in the muscles.

Unless you are doing more than 90 minutes of continuous activity (marathon running, long distance triathlons, cycling races or other endurance events), carb loading will not benefit you. It requires a specific diet and exercise plan, ideally under the supervision of a dietitian. It is not a license to eat everything.

Q: Should I eat DURING and AFTER my exercise or training sessions?

A: If you are well fueled before your workout, your nutrition goal is to stay well hydrated during exercise. For workouts longer than 60 minutes, consider hydration with higher sources of energy than water such as sports drinks and coconut water.  


During exercise

If your workout is longer than 60 minutes:

30-60g of carbohydrates over 60-90 minutes

Aim to drink 3-4 large sips of water or sports drink every 15 minutes
·   1 cup sports drink + 1 sport gel OR
·   banana + handful of dried fruit OR
·   2 Fig Newtons + ½ cup sport drink or fruit juice

Replenish your energy supply within 60 minutes of exercising to top up muscle glycogen storage to ensure optimal energy for your next training session or workout.  

Examples for 77 kg athlete (170 lbs)

After exercise

1g/kg of carbohydrates

15-20g of protein

2 cups fluid (500 ml)

Water continues to be a good choice

·   Smoothie made 1 cup higher protein yogurt (Greek yogurt),1 cup orange juice, 1 cup frozen berries, 1 medium banana  OR
·   2 cups chocolate milk + a piece of fruit  OR
·    Whole grain sandwich made with lean meat, quinoa or bean salad with tomatoes and cucumbers, 1 ½ cups

Q: How can I lose weight while maintaining enough energy for training?

A: Don’t eat the calories you burn. To avoid overeating, load up half your plate with vegetables and maintain a healthy intake of fiber with beans, lentils, whole grains, and fruits that will keep you full throughout the day.

For a personalized plan that takes into account your unique lifestyle, fitness goals and food preferences, please make an appointment with your Registered Dietitian

Written for Copeman Healthcare

American Dietetic Association. Position of the American Dietetic Association, Dietitians of Canada, and the American College of Sports Medicine: Nutrition and Athletic Performance. J Am Diet Assoc.2009.